The Years of Easy Money in the Stock Market Are Coming to an End , Gold Will Shine

The years of easy money in the stock market are coming to an end and gold will shine as countries agree to a new gold standard.

The ‘end of easy’ in the stock market is upon us.

That’s the assessment from Wells Fargo Investment Institute, led by president Darrell Cronk, who spoke to Yahoo Finance about his 2019 market outlook.

The S&P 500 has returned an average of 15% annually over the past decade. It’s hard not to make money in that kind of environment.

“We think there are a number of shifting conditions from what we’ve enjoyed over the past 8-9 years of the cycle,” Cronk said.

Here are a few of the shifts:

    • Cheap capital is diminishing amid rising interest rates.
    • Monetary stimulus is fading, as central banks around the world are winding down quantitative easing that had pumped liquidity in markets for years
    • 2019 will be the peak of fiscal stimulus
    • A slowing of job gains 

      Global RE-PEG of the Gold Dollar?

    • GOLD NEWS : Author Jim Rickards : Trump Could Soon Give the U.S. Dollar the Biggest “Reboot” in 100+ Years

      The Office of Management and Budget and the Congressional Budget Office project the debt going as high as 250% of GDP in the years ahead if Trump doesn’t make a change:

      In fact, the Government Accountability Office just reported this year that the U.S. is at risk of “fiscal failure.”

      One best-selling economist says, “The gold standard era, defined say as 1815-1913, was arguably the greatest period of human advance ever, at least in matters of economics, culture and technology.”

      Since we’ve gotten off the gold standard, America has declined. The economy’s failed its workers and our nation isn’t respected abroad.

      This is why one of America’s greatest financiers, John Pierpont Morgan, said, “Gold is money, and nothing else.”

      And why President Ronald Reagan warned: “No great nation in history that abandoned the gold standard ever stayed great…”

      Reagan wanted to reform the U.S. dollar with his own monetary accord to tie the greenback to gold again.

      If the rumors are true, and past global currency meetings have proven this, U.S. President Donald Trump May be arranging a Mar – a – Lago gathering to re -peg the U. S. dollar to gold again. If this happens, the amount of existing debt we have created, over $22 trillion in the U.S. alone will translate into $10,000.00 an ounce for gold.This world currency summit would include delegates from the U.S., China, Japan, Germany, Italy, France, the UK and the International Monetary Fund.

      Then, they’ll agree to simultaneously revalue all of their currencies against gold until the price reached $10,000 per ounce.

      The Federal Reserve board will then call a special board meeting… vote on the new policy… walk outside and announce to the world that effective immediately, the price of gold is $10,000 per ounce.

      The Fed will make the $10,000 price stick by using the Treasury’s gold in Fort Knox and the major U.S. bank gold dealers to conduct “open market operations” in gold.

      Commentary :

    • As president of a gold company, I would be hard pressed to argue that these facts are anything but guaranteed to happen.  The historical precedence is there and afterwards, gold will be viewed as money again, like it should be now.

Remember, from 2004 – 2011 , a period of only (7) years, Gold went from $400 an ounce to $1,921.00 an ounce, a (5) fold increase,  and it is still over $1,300 an ounce today.

So much for confirming  the argument on $10,000.00 an ounce going forward, and there are (22) trillion NEW reasons to believe it.

Article editied and posted by :

Jack Dempsey, President

401 Gold Consultants LLC

3 replies on “The Years of Easy Money in the Stock Market Are Coming to an End , Gold Will Shine

    • admin

      Remember, buying the right U.S. gold/platinum/palladium/silver coins needs knowledge of which performs how. Many people get caught up buying the wrong coins from the wrong co.’s. Actually discussing YOUR unique needs and situation must happen before any suggestions can be made, then we own the right coins for the right reasons! Unfortunately, most coin co.’s have absolutely no time for this and, “herd” you into a product that benefits them, not you , the CUSTOMER! NOTE : Look at it like a bank account in coins instead of dollars, short term(checking acct.) , medium term, (savings acct.) and long term, (retirement acct,) and apply your money accordingly. 401 G.C. helps you find those coins and place them as per your customer profile! Call us and leave a message, we will set up a quick no hype profile for you!

    • admin

      Good Friday morning and thank you Triple Ace, I do recommend silver right now and have a few different types of U.S. Silver Eagles for sale currently. If you can look at your coins like a bank account you’ll see the opportunity more clearly ok?
      Checking / Savings / Retirement accounts all have different needs don’t they? Well there are different kinds of precious metal U.S. coins to match each of these accounts, some coins are short term cash substitutes for the falling dollar and other coins are for longer-term holds or pass-downs to your heirs. If anyone buys from a stranger on the phone right away they are making a mistake I think, you must consult, then decide…we count on this approach as people are making important financial decisions when they buy physical assets like gold and the metals.


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