The 401 G.C. Quick Excerpt

( An excerpt from today’s daily 401 G.C. post , Mon. April 22nd, 2020)

“This week’s stunning and historic trading action in crude oil futures, in which the just- expired May Nymex contract fell deep into negative price territory but recovered to around $10 a barrel by its expiry, and which has seen Brent crude oil futures fall below $20 a barrel and hit a 21-year low, has possibly caused some oil-based exchange traded funds (ETFs) to be at or near a state of total failure. Speculation in the marketplace at present is that Asian investors have been hit the hardest—so hard that some Asian financial markets could experience a contagion effect and implode, themselves. So far this is just speculation.”

Posted by :

Jack Dempsey, President

401 Gold Consultants LLC

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