Real estate ‘slowdown’ starts in 2023; The Fed caused “housing inflation” – Danielle DiMartino Booth

closes in 6 hrs. 29 mins.
May 20, 2022 10:31 NY Time
Bid/Ask 1835.80 / 1836.80
Low/High 1832.50 / 1849.90
Change -5.70 -0.31%
30daychg -121.90 -6.23%
1yearchg -40.80 -2.17%
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May 20, 2022 10:31 NY Time
Silver 21.76 -0.14
Platinum 954.00 -7.00
Palladium 1918.00 -15.00
Rhodium 14150.00 0.00

(Kitco News, Fri. May 20th, 2022) – The U.S. Federal Reserve is to blame for inflation and rising housing prices, said Danielle DiMartino Booth, CEO of Quill Intelligence, who said that 2023 is the year a housing crash could start.

Speaking to Michelle Makori, Editor-in-Chief of Kitco News at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference, Booth, a former Fed insider, suggested that Powell could have tackled inflation sooner.

However, he was cornered until his reappointment, due to politicking within the Fed.

“The politicization of the Fed has been toxic and it has impaired the ability to make policy in a timely manner,” she said. “Randal Quarles, who was on the Federal Reserve Board, did a public interview recently and he said that he thought that the Fed would have moved a lot sooner had it not been for this kind of Game of Thrones going on.”

Powell may have become more hawkish following his re-appointment, Booth noted.

“We could theoretically get to the point that broke markets in 2018, just in the next three Fed meetings… and quantitative tightening will be fully ramped up by the time we get through August… We’re going to see what all, this time around, [Powell] is willing to break,” he said.

Booth suggested that, at this point, any talk of a “soft landing” is public relations. She said that we are already seeing signs of a recession.

“I see layoff announcements every day… Today was Netflix. A few days ago, it was Twitter, Meta, Amazon. The layoff notices are multiplying,” she said. “You know, when [Powell] is at the podium, he’s, ‘Oh food inflation, Ukraine, and energy inflation, none of this is my fault.’ Bless his heart, because housing inflation is the Fed’s fault.”

Booth said that Powell’s monetary policy led to housing market speculation. She pointed to signs that a housing collapse is imminent.

“We certainly are seeing [housing] slow down and slow down fast… I think the latest data is 61 percent of all mortgage lenders are laying off their staff right now, reducing head count. We’ve got more homes under construction than any time since 1973… [And] mortgage rates are where they are. So affordability has never been as pinched as it is,” she said.

She said that 2023 could be when housing prices start to fall.

On gold, Booth noted that the metal’s price outlook is uncertain in these times, given the Fed’s shift in rhetoric.

When asked which assets she is looking at as potential investments, Booth said, “What’s coming ahead these days, I’m looking at farmland… The United States is by far the most productive nation in the world in terms of the yield that we get per acre that’s planted.”

On the political front, the U.S. midterm elections will hopefully slow down fiscal spending, Booth said. She also said that Biden’s talk of student loan forgiveness would face legal challenges.

To find out Danielle DiMartino Booth’s outlook for Bitcoin and gold, watch the above video.


Friday follow through for metals bulls?

(Kitco, Fri. May 20th, 2022)- Resistance at $1,850 gold and $22.10 silver should be no surprise; both metals have turned down after coming within a hair of touching both numbers on the nose overnight. Platinum continues to face resistance at $965.

The USD is looking like it wants to continue to give up some gains. Looking at a daily chart of the USD index below, the lower trendline reveals where the King currency may be headed in the short term against its basket of peers. A continuation lower and a breach of that bottom trendline with conviction would be a concrete signal of a reversal in USD strength.

Should the dollar close this week at its low, that should coincide with a close over the resistance levels of $1,850 and $22.10 for the monetary metals, and bode well for the medium term. Likewise, the major US indices should also catch a bid, if just as a function of it taking more dollars to purchase an equal amount of units.

Of course, traders attempting to capture short-term moves should remain extremely vigilant on stops in this ever-volatile market.

Thanks, and have a great weekend!


Posted by:

Jack Dempsey, President

401 Gold Consultants LLC

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