Ethereum Merger a Possible Huge Moment For Transactional Crypto

(401 G.C. Video Series Wed. Aug. 31st, 2022) – as Proof of Stake replaces Proof of Work on the fly at Ethereum experts see exponential growth. The biggest hurdle for crypto has been using it for everyday purchases. Until now transactional crypto has been a failure but may be realized with Ethereum’s new Proof of Stake platform that uses considerably less energy, ( thus providing quicker transaction time ) and creates an interest – bearing asset in the process.

One of the the biggest knocks on Crypto has been it’s lack of producing a dividend or an interest payment to the holder. Banks employing this new , faster transactional technology will be able to charge a nominal rate of interest in order to underwrite the point of purchase, eventually  including cash ATM withdrawals.

Game changer , new world money and transparent are words and phrases that have been used to describe this long – awaited development from the crypto world.

opens in 9 mins.
Aug 31, 2022 17:00 NY Time
Bid/Ask 1711.40 / 1712.40
Low/High 1709.00 / 1727.40
Change 0.00 0.00%
30daychg -61.10 -3.45%
1yearchg -102.70 -5.66%
Alerts Charts
Aug 31, 2022 17:00 NY Time
Silver 17.98 -0.42
Platinum 850.00 +3.00
Palladium 2009.00 +5.00
Rhodium 12800.00 -600.00


Posted by :

Jack Dempsey , President

401 Gold Consultants LLC








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